mercoledì, gennaio 29, 2014

Ultime notizie sul progetto FunCube by Amsat-UK

Per chi si interessa di satelliti radioamatoriali ecco alcune informazioni che potrebbero essere utili. Si riferiscono al progetto FunCube portato avanti da Amsat-UK

Updated Dashboard Software now available:

The QB50 launch contract has been signed for 50 CubeSats to launch between December 2015 and November 2016. It is believed this will be the largest ever deployment of CubeSats from a single launch.

The two QB50 CubeSats on the precursor flight, a Yasny Dnepr this April/May 2014, will both carry amateur radio transponders, one FM voice the other a FUNcube linear transponder for SSB/CW. See

News via Trevor M5AKA -  AMSAT-UK

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