giovedì, febbraio 17, 2011

Una voce dallo spazio - ISS

L'astronauta Paolo Nespoli sta compiendo quella che dovrebbe essere la sua ultima missione nello spazio. Stamani, alla Stazione spaziale internazionale, si è collegato con un centinaio di studenti milanesi, per una lezione molto speciale. Una delle tante lezioni fatte dell'astronauta italiano all'interno di un progetto scolastico molto interessante. I collegamenti vengono fatti via radio, in VHF, e sono ricevibili su 145.8 MHz in FM.

Per chi volesse saperne di più ecco alcuni link consigliati:


Science in school (in italiano)

ESA European space agency (in italiano)

Ariss - Amateur Radio on the International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli

giovedì, febbraio 03, 2011

Radio Gloria su 1566 kHz

Radio Gloria testing from Switzerland on 1566 kHz

Please be informed about our very new test transmission on Medium Wave Frequency 1566 kHz in Central part of Switzerland. At this time this is the only Medium Wave station left in Switzerland at all and the very first AM private station in Switzerland.

Our transmitter broadcasts in AM modulation, 24 hours a day. The power is 250 watts only, with a longwire antenna near of the city of Lucerne (Luzern). Radio Gloria hopes that these broadcasts can be heard in Europe. These transmissions will end March 2nd. Please stay tuned and have fun to pick up our low powered AM station.

We kindly confirm your correct reception report by a special QSL card. Send your reports by e-mail to: qsl -at-
or by regular (snail) mail to: Radio Gloria, PO Box 540, CH-6281 Hochdorf - Switzerland

Good listening and best 73 de Peter Galliker, station manager
Radio Gloria Switzerland

About Radio Gloria English site:

The inofficial radio site:

By the way QSL cards for 6085 kHz regarding our test transmissions in December 2010 will be sent these days by airmail to the listeners. (Via Dario Monferini)